Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Transy's Karaffa hopeful of comeback

Recently, we reported that New Albany High School graduate Matt Karaffa was looking forward to his senior year at Transylvania University, a soccer program fancied to win the Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference and put up a bold showing in the NCAA Division III championship.

Unfortunately, disaster struck for Matt before the season even began, as he broke his collarbone in a scrimmage against Campbellsville.

“Our outside midfielder played a through ball for me to run onto and while going after the ball, the defender and I collided in a shoulder-to-shoulder challenge, where I then fell onto the ground right on my left shoulder,” he said.

Team doctor Pete Hester inserted a plate and seven screws to stabilize the bone, and last week he had the stitches removed. He is hoping with plenty of physical therapy that he can be fit enough to play a part in Transy’s important end of season campaign.

“If all goes well, I am shooting for a comeback date somewhere around the middle of October or maybe a little later in October,” he said. “Hopefully, I can get some games in before we start our conference tournament. Every day on the sideline gets me more eager to recover faster. Our victory against Muskingum was a great start to what we think can be a phenomenal and very successful year.”

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